How to create the perfect CV
Writing a CV can be a daunting task, but it does not have to be! What is most important is to keep it brief and structured, so it is easy for a recruiter to read it.
Let us provide you with some tips on how to create a personal CV.
The best practice is to start with your personal information:
- Your full name
- Address
- Active mobile phone number
- E-mail address
- Date of Birth
- Nationality
The crucial part of your CV is your education, and qualifications (certificates, training, and online courses). Make sure that you outlined them correctly providing:
- The name of the course or qualification you have completed
- Name of the institution where you took the course
- City and country of where you studied
- Start and end date.
In addition to your education, and certification is your technical skills. Never skip them while writing a CV; skills are important because they can make you stand out from the competition so you can land the job you desire. The technical skills section can easily influence the salary figure.
The most important part of your CV is experience. Ensure that you add:
- Name of employer/company
- Position
- Where you worked
- Start and end date
- Brief description of your duties
- Languages (the level of spoken, and written language*).
* There are 6 levels of marking your knowledge of a foreign language called A1 and A2 (elementary); B1 and B2 (intermediate) and CA and C2 (advanced). This measure is widely used all over Europe and has become the prevalent standard for the rest of the world.
Finally, while sending your CV to us make sure that you introduce your application by stating your availability to start, what position you are looking for, and in which country you prefer to work. Additionally, you can write your salary expectation.
You can always add any references from previous projects/jobs. However, it is not necessary.
Adding hobbies and interests is an excellent way of enriching your CV regardless of your job industry. It gives value to your application for a job.
Good luck finding your dream job!
Anna Kita